Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thomson Without A P Please!?!

Clan- A tribe or collection of families, united under a chieftain, regarded as having the same common ancestor, and bearing the same surname; as, the clan of Thomson.

One Monday night this summer the clan of Thomson's came together to eat, drink and see Mary. Mary is my Dad's only sister and she was here from Cincinnati.

The Bug got to come meet Aunt Mary and many cousins, aunts, uncles, some seconds and maybe thirds.

Buggy and Daddy

Nothing better than Grandpa T's dutch oven potatoes and ribs ala "my sauce"!

Kenzie was looking so cute that night!

Don't remember what caused this face.... (note to self- stay caught up on blogging).

My memory fails me again...

Tayten is so funny he will point his finger at things outside and he wants you to take him to check it out. He loves to touch the leaves and watch them move when the wind blows. He is such a boy! He wants to touch everything and figure out how it works and why. You can see the little wheels just turning in his head figuring this big world out.


Thomson togetherness...

Love those baby blues...

My parents have this big stuffed dog in their playroom, (there are pics from last Christmas with Tayten and this same dog). He loved it and was hugging it and laying his head on it just like he does with Aggie.

These little cuties were having so much fun sitting on Grandma T's garden turtles.

And, then the turtle's head feel off. Grandpa T is so handy with glue/epoxy/stinkystuff that the turtle has since had his head reattached. :)

These two.... Colby was trying so hard to mess Kenzie's hair up...

and then she goes after him...

and then the chase ensues...

and this is the outcome!

Andy decided to manhandle Tereck!

All the kids like to ride the skateboards all the way down from the garage to the fire pit.
Isn't Tylee gorgeous? I can't believe how grown up she has gotten.

Kenz still can get in on the big wheel action.

What a fun time we had that night! Kenz and I stayed after everyone had gone home, and we sat out on the lawn with blankets and talked with Grandma & Grandpa T, Aunt Mary and Jan until way past our bedtime. We laughed and laughed and laughed! Fun and Family, LOVE!

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