Monday, February 2, 2009

Heaven on Earth... Straight from Arizona

When my mother came over for the Super Bowl party she brought the most treausured of all gifts! I wish you could feel my excitement when from her cooler she produced a big bag of Arizona lemons, straight from Anjanette's neighbors tree! Now I love Diet Coke with lemon BUT until you have it with a fresh AZ lemon you just can't understand the fabulousness that it is.
I'm just sayin'.....Love, Love, Love the Lemons!

Can you see the stem on the top lemon...straight from the tree..with Grandma's lemon picker.. Yes, she has one!

1 comment:

Veronica Tyler said...

The lemons in the store right now are so tiny and gross too! I know how much you love these - but i didn't know they would grow in January!