Monday, March 8, 2010

At Our House....

We don't care so much about the Academy Awards, we like the movies we like and don't really go by the reviews a certain movie gets. However, this year we did want to see Sandra Bullock win her first Oscar for The Blind Side, and SHE WON!

Sandra looked gorgeous and I loved her acceptance speech, all night long she looked like she was going to yammie (you'll have to ask my nieces husband Sven for the definition); she was so nervous. She is so sincere yet so funny at the same time. What a couple her and husband Jesse James make. Don't they say opposites attract? When this comes out on DVD it will for sure be a new addition to our movie collection.

We also wanted Avatar to win best picture. We did see The Hurt Locker, and we did like it but it was harder to watch (you know what I mean if you have seen it),it is different than Avatar, we can see how it won the Oscar though. Avatar will also join our movie collection, where as we saw The Hurt Locker once, and for us that is enough.

1 comment:

The DeMille Digest said...

I was so glad to see Sandra Bullock win too! My cousin actually was their masseuse in CA for a while and said that they are both very nice and down to earth people. I loved the quote about "being nice." That is so true. What a better world we would live in if we all practiced that a little more!