Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A House of Gleeks.....

And, so is everyone I live with, including Tayten (he loves the music). I know that during last season I did not understand AT ALL the appeal of this show and how so many "gleeks" were out there, but I have now seen the error of my ways and I, We Love This Show!!

-With this said however, I was not a huge fan of last weeks grilled cheese epidsode, but they did come back strong last night with the duet episode!! LOVED!

We DVR every episode and the one 2 weeks ago with the New York and Telephone numbers is Tayten's favorite. He will sit and watch these two musical numbers over and over. He has the cutest little head bang/bob thing he does to music. Cracks us up! He does it in the car all the time too!

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