Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Shameless Soliciting Of Your Vote

Andy has entered a design in the Welcome to Logan contest that is going on now online at hjnews.com. He was the Outstanding Sophomore last year, which means this year so far he is the Outstanding Junior in his program. I am asking ALL of you to please, log into www.hjnews.com, click on the red vote now on the top right side, you will need to create an account (i know it bites, but that's the rules) then log-in and vote for Andy's design! His is located on page 2 and is titled Gateway to the Backcountry. It is by far the best, and I am not just saying that because I am this talented kids Mom either! It really is the best! Here is his design!! I am not sure when voting ends so please please please vote TODAY!!

Title: Gateway to the Backcountry
Description: The design for the gateway monument takes into consideration both the rugged outdoor nature of Logan with natural stone boulders and also the rich history of Logan with smooth brick facades matching those of historic buildings throughout downtown Logan.

Three metal silhouette cut-outs of different outdoor recreational activities will be the focus of the monument reminding passersby of the rich outdoor experiences Logan has to offer. The waterfall cascading down the front of the monument is to represent the Logan River which brought abundant life to the Logan area.
By surrounding the monument with native plantings adding color throughout all seasons the ruggedness of the monument will be softened and allowed to blend in with the parks naturalistic landscape.

Bronze will be used for the sign and lighting features to support the outdoor feeling of the monument.

Lighting will be provided from atop the tower creating night interest. Lighting will also be provided below the sign, behind the cascading water and each silhouette metal cut-out making this monument just as visible at night as it is during the day.

The gateway monument will not only provide an entrance for vehicular traffic on Highway 89/919 (image on the left) it will also provide the same feeling as well as information about the history and settling of Logan to pedestrian traffic entering Gateway Park at the Northeast entrance (image on the right).

Thanks for your support! It is only one vote per email address so I have voted with all 5 of mine! If you have more than one email address show Andy double the love!

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