Friday, January 16, 2009

I think I need one of these, and one of these....

Kenzie says, NO, NO, NO WAY! I maybe can get the book but she has veto'd ALL of the T-shirts, Hoodies, any form of apparel that has anything on them, with cute First Time Grandma slogans or sayings! Now, I wonder what she will say in oh about 10 years when she has her first baby and if I will be "allowed" to wear anything like this then.

PS- These articles of clothing would only be worn for photo purposes,around my house, maybe to the hospital but not out to the mall with Kenz and her friends, UNLESS she was due a payback for some random act of teenage behavior, and then I would seriously see if I could find a shirt that has flashing lights or talks to you! Hey, Kenz wanna go shopping?

1 comment:

Kenzie Croft said...

SHERI! No grandma shirts and not especially to wear out to public!! I love you but not the whole idea of flashing first time grandma shirts!