Monday, January 26, 2009

Goal Call Monday...

I am sure that you all saw the previous post about "wedding preparations" needing to begin IMMEDIATELY and today was going to be IMMEDIATELY, however for those of you who work in HR or Accounting then you know that January 31st is a very important deadline and I have had at least 6 or more phone calls/emails/IM's on a daily basis since January 2nd about this deadline. (In a whiney voice) "Have our W2's been mailed out yet?" Today was the day that we formatted, printed, stuffed W2's in their envelopes, stamped said envelopes and at 5:26 this afternoon I did indeed drop 130 W2's in the mail! So now IMMEDIATELY is tomorrow!
I found this cute little GOOGLE image that says Goal Call Monday so from here until the wedding (possibly longer) Mondays will now be known as Goal Call Mondays! This will be where I will post my goals for the week, whether they are work goals, family goals or personal goals.Please,Please, Please hold me accountable no matter how big or small the goal is! I'm just sayin'!

1 comment:

Veronica Tyler said...

I will do my best! Good Luck!