Saturday, May 28, 2011

Number TWO

We had a little party for Tayten at his Daddy's house on Thursday night. Colby has spent the last few months remodeling his entire house and a few weekends ago he moved back home. Tate got his first lacrosse stick, which we hope will be the first of many. Hopefully he will follow in Uncle Andy's footsteps and play High School lacrosse. Tate calls it a "hoop". I think it is the netting that makes him think it is a hoop. Andy and Al showed him some slick moves and really quickly he was able to toss the ball right out of the stick. Smart boy.

As you probably already know Tate LOVES trains. It doesn't have to be Thomas, in fact I have never even heard him say "Thomas", they are all just trains or choo choos to him. Colby bought him these adorable Thomas big boy underwear and Aunty Al thought he needed to try them out over his diaper. He was a little shy and unsure but his little legs and backside looked so cute!!

He got so many train things and other gifts. He also got an adorable Hurley outfit from Grandma & Grandpa Thomson. Can't wait to see him wearing that at the lake.

Daddy surprised him with a power wheels tractor & trailer. Tate loved it so much! He was so patient while Aunt Al went to work with the power tools to put it together. As you can see he thought he was pretty hot stuff. He would try to stand on it and jump off. No fear for this kid!(Yes, he has gum in his mouth, in most of these pictures)

Al had to get going to a Vistauns meeting, so we lit the candles and sang Happy Birthday. When we were singing he was very shy and embarrassed and the first time he wouldn't blow the candles out without Daddy right by his side, but then he wanted to blow them out again and again. I think I re-lit those candles at least ten times so he could blow them out. He started out tasting his cake with one finger, then two fingers and then he leaned right in and took a big bite, right out of the side of the cake. That's my boy! He asked for a "poon" I offered him a fork and a spoon, he took the fork from me and demolished the cake while saying "Nummy, Nummy!" in between bites.

I can't wait to see him on Monday night now that the tractor battery is all charged up and ready to roll.

Happy 2nd Birthday to my little man. I love you more than anything, sweet boy!

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